Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Good News, Bald News

Well, as mentioned in my last blog my white blood counts were critically low, so we went to the doctor this morning to run new blood work after getting shots of nuprogen (?) every day for the last 5 days. The doctor looked at the report and said, "Wow, that nuprogen really works". The normal range is 5-10 and last week I was at 1.7, but this week it shot up to 18.5, so now I feel like I can fight off anything. Ofcourse when the doctor declared how the nuprogen had worked I wanted to declare that "Prayer really works". That's the good news, yesterday when I showered I realized amounts of hair in my hands, then I looked at the drain and realized it was clogged with hair, so it looks like baldness is around the corner. But acording to George Valdovinos in the church, bald is beautiful. I just hink that everyone in the church should shave their heads to show solidarity. Then we would also know who the visitors were, ofcourse they would think they had walked into a cult. God is good - all the time. Just wanted to update you and tell you that I love you. If you are at Sunset Chapel on Sunday you may just see one more beautiful bald man. Love each of you - Pastor

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