Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Finally an Update

Hey Everyone,
I'm sorry I haven't posted an update recently. The truth is I was too focused on the Thanksgiving turkey. It was so important to me to have an appetite for Thanksgiving - and boy did I! I went 4 days without radiation and I had a good week last week. I have my weekly chemo treatment today and should have about 8 more radiation treatments. With winding down with the radiation the focus is to have another pet-scan and CT scan in another week, then that will determine surgery or whatever. I truly feel so blessed to have the support I have from my family, my church and friends from years gone by. It is in times like this that your thanksgiving becomes even purer. I couldn't complain if I wanted to - if I tried only thanks would come out. I love you all and will keep you informed. Thanks - no really - THANKS! Pastor


Cindi Gipson said...

You are awesome, but you always have been! Glad to hear you had a "yummy" Thanksgiving. The Gipson family continues to have you in their daily prayers. We love you Pastor Eric!

Chastity said...

I'm happy to hear that you had a Happy Thanksgiving... Hope that the Holiday season brings you many Blessings!!!! Love You Pastor!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Eric & Sherry! Just wanted you to know that we've been keeping up on your progress through Lisa & Shane and Candy as well as Nancy's mom. Our connect group has been praying for you. We were so sorry to hear about Jason! We know you've been swamped with phone calls, etc., but please know that we love & care for you both!! Give Kristin a hug for us! Love, Jamey & Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, Lisa has been reporting on you and so glad she sent this to us. You know how much we have always loved you and boy, have you been in our prayers and thoughts. We requested prayer for you at church and we know we all of the prayers going to the same place, it can't be the wrong address!! :) We love you, Jimmy and Phyllis, BA. OK

Carrie Corral said...

Dear Pastor - I've tried three times to send my message. I'll test this before I write my message again--Carrie Corral

Carrie Corral said...

Dear Pastor - I just got a computer at home and went to the website to check the calendar. What a shock to learn about your "temporary" challenges! I know the Lord has a purpose for allowing this to happen and I sincerely believe it will serve for you and your family to share, for many more years, another testimony of HIS faithfulness... I have not been to church since the last time I was there, I believe almost a year ago. I work weekends, but the Lord has been "after me" to find the way to congregate--and I will only do that at Sunset Chapel. I have always trusted you as a true man of God, and your sincere, passionate, and knowledgeable delivery of the Word has always been very influential in my spiritual growth. I continue to keep and improve my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and I'm always reminded that I cannot make it without HIM. I believe going into this website for the first time and learning about what you have been experiencing, was HIS final warning to me that I MUST congregate. He knew that I would want to see you; so..., hey, maybe I'm one of the reasons why you are going through all this--to make me find a way to start congregating again.... what do you think?... Anyway, you and your family will definitely be in my prayers, God bless you, and I WILL see you soon! Love in Christ, Carrie Corral