Monday, March 10, 2008

Houston Report from the ER

Hey our friends. This has been an interesting trip so far. We were scheduled to start our appointments today but Eric got sick and we started this journey yesterday. Eric got a cold on Friday and by Saturday he was coughing really bad. I called the Doc in Miami and they sent some antibiotics. Well I thought I had caught it in time but that was not the case. Sunday morning at 5:00 am I realized we were in trouble. Eric was having trouble breathing because he was so congested. We went to MD Anderson ER. They at first felt that he had pneumonia or bronchitis. They ran a large amount of test and did a large amount of cultures. The amazing thing that I know was God touched him because his white blood cell count had not gone down any since his last blood draw on Thursday of this last week. That is a miracle. It usually drops everyday for ten days or more. Praise the Lord they said he has bronchitis. He was given super doses of antibiotics and breathing treatments before they let us leave the ER. Today we will get the culture results and we still have all the test to run this afternoon that were on the orginal schedule. Eric is some better this morning but he is really tired. I know that God is taking care of him. We miss all of our friends and family. This has been a great trip in one sense we have been able to see Kristen and Shaun. Seeing the kids is such a blessing and that helps to lift our spirits no matter what our circumstances are. We had a birthday celebration for Eric this weekend and he enjoyed it. God is good and I know that as we go today God will go with us and He is our source. We will not get test results from today until Wednesday. So I will try to let you know on Thursday what all the results are. We love you and thank you for loving us. Sherry


The Riveras, Jorge, Evelyn and the Girls said...

What good news about Pastor's blood count, that is so important, Praise the Lord! We have been praying so hard at church, we know and have faith He is going to pull you and Pastor through this and in turn pull us all through this since we are all in this together. We pary daily for Pastors healing as well as your safe return to Miami. Love ya very much.
The Riveras, Jorge, Evelyn and the Girls.

Anonymous said...

Sherry and Eric,

I am so glad you are having a great trip. I hate to hear that Eric got sick while being there, but at the same time it may have been a good thing, because God was able to show you (even tho you already know) what He is capable of and what He is doing in Eric, by keeping his WBC up and not letting it drop.!!!!! PTL!!!!!!!! Eric please stay well and take care of yourself. If you have to get some masks and wear them while your out and about and around other people. (You may already be doing this, I don't know.) My heart transplant patient's have to do this in order to protect themselves.

I hope everything continues to go well while your there. Tell everyone hi, take care and know that your being prayed for on a daily basis by people who you will never meet while on this earth, only one day in heaven will you ever be able to tell them thank you. I mean some REAL PRAYER WARRIORS!!!! Also by those that you know, some you just haven't seen in awhile.

Ilove you guys so much, take care of each other and Sherry be sure to give us an update asap on Thursday. Thanks so much for keeping everyone update, we look forward to them.

Love you and may God cont. to bless you immensely,


Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you! We are going to bring your need for healing before our congregation and earnestly pray for you. Please know are prayers are with you and your family. May God strengthen you all.

Pastor Johnny and C.C. Honaker

Anonymous said...

Eric and Sherry,

We are following everything from New Zealand.

We are praying with you and asking others to join in as well.

You are loved.

Michael & Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor, just wanted to drop in and let you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I check in regularly with Ms. olsen and I am sorry to hear you were in the hospital with pneumonia. I hope you are feeling better. I am so excited for you that you are going on a cruise. You are going to have a wonderful time and a well deserved vacation. I am coming to church on Easter Sunday to see you and Ms. Olsen. Can't wait to see you both!