Thursday, April 10, 2008

Packed for the Master's

Sherry blogged on Monday and I thought I would update you before we leave tomorrow morning for the Master's Golf Tournament. When Sherry blogged the plan was to start radiation, however when we went to the doctor I asked her to look at a large whelp on my back. Once she did she sent me to the simulator, which is somewhat like a cat-scan. She called us back and said that she is not going to start radiation yet, because there is a large mass that has shown up in the abdomen, along with this malignant mass in my back. They did a full cat-scan yesterday (Wed.) to get a better look - we have not heard the results yet. As of now they are going to start Chemo and Radiation next week. Again I wrestle with what to write - I certainly don't want to simply share the reports that all seem negative. Our faith is strong - if we have given up at all it is that we have given ourselves up to the will of our Father. We have never gone through anything like this before and so what we are trying to do is let you - our family and loved ones - in on everything we are feeling and going through. As from the first we are asking you to hold our arms up in the battle and to continue to pray the Word of God over us. I know what the situation is - but I know what the Word of God says! I appreciate all of you and will try my best to both keep you informed and keep your faith strong at the same time - that is what we are trying to do! We love you - Pastor Olsen


Anonymous said...

Pastor Eric -

Thanks for the update. I appreciate Sherry keeping us updated, but I always enjoy hearing from you.

You have so many people that are praying for you. I know that it has to beyond difficult at times to be going through something so horrendous and continue trying to be an encourager for others. It is our turn to pour into your lives, like you and Sherry have pour into so many of our throughout the years. When you are feeling tired and worn down, know that we are standing in the gap for you. We are here to hold you up before the Father.

Please continue to keep us updated, no matter what the news, because that is the only way that those of us around the country who cannot see you know what is going on and how to continue praying.

I wish I could do more, to take the pain away. I sometimes think all I can do is pray, then I have to remember, that the most important thing to do right now is pray. God is still on the throne! He is the master physician. Many days I sing the song God will make a way when there is no way, God will make a way for you. God will make a way when there is no way, because that's what's He's promised to do. When the situation seems impossible, we just trust in the Lord for Pastor Eric's miracle!

I love you and Sherry so very much, you have always been and will continue to be an inspiration to me. I count it a privilege to be able to stand in prayer for you and your entire family. You are such a blessing to me!

Enjoy the Master's Tournament, take it easy, and just know that we will continue to be in prayer for you.

All our love and prayers,

Cindi Gipson and family

Anonymous said...

I remember Mom telling us about people that would go in to cheer up Grandpa Burdick (bedridden with M.S. for so many years), and they would go away being the ones who were uplifted. Reading your blogs makes me feel that way. It is very apparent that the Lord already has answered some of our prayers. You and Sherry have faced this battle with a strength and faith that can only be found in those whose lives have been given completely over to Jesus. My love for you goes beyond words. Sis.

Anonymous said...

Eric and Sherry,

My heart breaks into a billion pieces for you. I wish that I was the one who had this and not you. You have done so much for the kingdom of God and there is still so much more to do. I just can't believe that God is through with in this world yet. He needs you here to continue HIS ministry. I refuse to give up hope.

Being a nurse myself, I see things, and know things, at times it is things I wish I didn't know and this is one of those times. That is why I refuse to give up hope in the ultimate HEALER!

If anyone could go through something like this with the faith and the grace and stability that you and Sherry have it would have been you and Sherry. You are both so strong in HIM and so connected to your faith and beliefs. Once again I hope that someday I can be just liked ya'll and be as strong as you are.

You both have made such an impact in my life and in ways that you will never know. I will always love ya'll, think of ya'll and strive to be more like ya'll/HIM.

I love you guys and I am still praying and believing in HIM massive miracles in your life.

Love you always,

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah, one more thing. Have fun at the Master's! I hope you enjoy it and have a GREAT Time. Give us and update as soon as you return!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Have a great time. We love you.
Lorin and Kyli

Anonymous said...

Kyli said to tell you she is enjoying some "ICED MILK" (something bout Disney)and that she misses you.

Junior & Michelle Suarez said...

Pastor- We hope you have a great time this weekend and we pray that you feel well. We are here for you and Sherry in anything that you need anytime or anywhere. You are in are prayers! We love you and hope to see you soon. God is our Savior and our Lord. I believe you will be HEALED!!! In His Name, The Suarez Family.

Anonymous said...

I will be looking for your head in the audience. Will you be the one with the John 3:16 written on your Head? Remember- it is the God who is in you that will help you face the mountains before you!!!

Enjoy both Masters while you are away- golf and God!!!

Love you Pastor and Sherry!!

Missy-one of your armor bearers!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Brother Eric!
Mary Ann and I wish and pray that despite the situation, that you are enjoying to the fullest your amazing experience at the Masters. May the Lord who loves you so much bless every moment you fulfill, every dream you have made a reality and every second you spend with the most wonderful wife and family he has given you. May you continue to TEACH us through it all and may we continue to grow together through your outstanding example of faith and love. Although we miss you dearly in church, your presence is felt and you continue to speak volumes to us as you take on this battle. As you have told us many times, we can't argue God's Plan for each of us, but we can clearly have a strong debate with him about it. May he continue to Bless you, Sherry and your precious family and give your body the strength and perseverance to continue to fight so it may continue to shelter the heart and soul of the most corageous man I have ever been blessed to know and call MY BROTHER!!!

With all our love,
Mary Ann & Edwin

Anonymous said...

I have recently been listening to Adventures in Odyssey with my daughter Kristin. There were 3 episodes that touched me especially, but 1 imparticular was about Horatio Spafford, he is the writer of It is Well With My Soul! And since then I have been singing away it is well with my soul. Pastor and Sherry I think about you always. I continue to keep you both in my prayers and I know God is thinking about you always, the lover of your soul. Peace be with you both. I love you!
