Monday, October 15, 2007

A New Week

It is Monday, October 15th and so much has happened recently. Last week Sherry and I went to South Carolina to see our grandson, Chase Matthew, to be born. On Saturday morning before we headed back we were called and told that Sherry's brother, Jason, 32 had died in a car accident, so we are now headed to Dallas for the funeral. Pray for the family. While in Dallas I was called from one of my doctors and informed that the Tumor Board met with my case and decided to change my chemo. It seems that after a second look at the pathological report my cancer is a little different. So it is a little more extensive, but they feel that this new chemo will attack it. I also went today to get my body marked to begin radiation. So much happening, but our faith is in God. The old song declares that when all around is sinking sand on Christ the solid rock I stand, and indeed we do!!!! Thanks - Eric


Anonymous said...

Pastor Olsen,
You have such a positive attitude among the problems you are facing. It is inspiring. Tell Sherry my thoughts and prayers are with you concerning her brother. As for the cancer, I can give some caring advice. Lots of Wheat grass juice, and Beta 3d Glucon, a anti cancer nutrient, I have seen outstanding results. I pray GOD will bless you both and make you whole, there is a scripture about this prayer, When I attended your morning service the messages were wonderful. Thank you Erik Weimar

Chelo said...

Hi Pastor...I just came across your blog page. Thanks for sharing. Patricia and I will be praying for you and your family.