Friday, October 5, 2007

First Week of Chemo

I just got back from the doctor after my first week of Chemo to get a new bag of chemo and have my first assessment. The blood work came back great - a little low on platelets which explains being tired a little - but everything looks great. I have really had no side effects of which I really give the Lord all the praise. While waiting for my chemo to get to the doctor from Baptist Hospital a young man recognized me as he had been to a wedding here a couple of years ago. He told me that he and his wife had talked about that ceremony a couple of times. So I gave him my card and told him to come join us. I believe every day God has those God appointments for us. God never stops amazing me. I am looking for every opportunity to reach someone for him. Have a great day - and have I told you lately how much I love and appreciate you??? Well I do!!! Pastor Olsen


Anonymous said...

Didn't know you were undergoing chemo. We'll be praying with the rest of your church family for a full recovery.
Dean Galyen was with us a couple of Sundays ago. They're heading back to Africa shortly.
Love ya, buddy!

Rex Stafford

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your circumstances! I will be praying for you; as well as for Mom, Shane, Shaun, and Kristin, and extended family. I do not have to tell you: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

If there is anything I can do not hesitate to ask!

I love you all in the Lord!

Once your Timothy/Petros,

Anonymous said...

Eric, So sorry to here of your illness. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.It's been a year since my Dad's last chemo, and he has been completely free of any cancer!! Tell Sherry I said Hey
Love you both,
Cheryl Dekker